Hans van de Ven (Mr.MRA)
"Motorweek Devon (Zuid Engeland)"
Motorweek Zuid Engeland, kennismaken met Nick & Hannah en Serge en Tamara. Motorweek South England, meet Nick, Hannah and Serge and Tamara.
Travel overview

A really fantastic few days getting to know my lovely work colleagues and there partners. We must do it again soon. Nice blog Mr weatherman
2022-08-26 08:50:30 by Nick Carthew - (MRA Master) -
Thanks mate.
2022-08-26 11:18:29 by Hans van de Ven (Mr.MRA) -
Looks like you guys (and girls) had a few fantastic days Even the ever mentioned drops of rain where present. A shame that Serge didn't decide to wash his bike in that little pool.
2022-09-01 12:02:13 by Johan Baars (RouteXpert) -
Hi Johan. In fairness to Serge, he did want to cross the river but we persuaded him not to. It really was a fantastic few days, I only wish that we could have had more time as there are so many more places that I wanted to show them. It's a good excuse for them to return though. If ever you find yourself in my part of the world, give me a shout and I will be only too happy to show you around.
2022-09-01 10:47:57 by Nick Carthew - (MRA Master) -
Mooie rit, goed voor de MRA-verbindingen
2022-09-06 12:28:23 by Henk Theessink