35 Uilenspiegelroute
This route was brought to you by:
RouteXpert Hans van de Ven (Mr.MRA)
Last edit: 16-05-2020
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1h 35m
Mode of travel
Car or motorcycle
70.54 km
Damme (Plaats Uilenspiegel museum)
RouteXpert Review
Where Tijl Uilenspiegel appears, something happens: he turns things upside down, turns the world upside down, shows us our true actions in his mirror. Ulenspiegel is a literary figure, conceived in Braunschweig at the end of the Middle Ages. His fame spread to Damme, the cleanest town that visits this route.
The nineteenth-century Flemish writer De Coster even placed his cradle there and had the freedom-loving Tijl, together with his fiancée Nele and his companion Lamme Goedzak in Damme, experience his adventures. Do not expect too much while driving the route; foolishness.
The vast Zeeuws-Vlaanderen landscape has experienced too much for this. (Source: Promoter No. 04 - 2015).
Because I have not (yet) driven this route myself, I have rated this route with 3 stars!
Bedreigd ANWB bord
Bedreigd ANWB bord
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