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TomTom map with route calculation |
Here (Garmin) map with route calculation |
OpenStreetMap map layer |
Michelin map layer |
Google map layer |
TomTom map layer |
Here (Garmin) map layer |
OpenCycleMap map layer |
OpenTopoMap map layer |
Google StreetView |
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Route calculator |
Compare route with TomTom, Here (Garmin) and OpenStreetMap (!) |
Show photos nearby |
Adjust route line transparency |
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Unlimited cloud storage of routes and tracks (!) |
Save routes and pois (gpx 1.1, gpx 1.2, itn, tpf, trf, kml, ov2, csv, tar.gz, pdf) |
Email route |
Save route HD Boom Box 2019 (track) |
Save route HD Boom Box pre 2019 (route) |
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Upload routes (GPX, ITN, TRF, TPF, KML, KMZ or TAR.GZ.) |
Upload tracks (GPX, KMZ, KML) |
Upload POIs (OV2, GPX, CSV) |
MRA Animation (generate video from tracks and routes)! |
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Turn-by-turn navigation |
Adding moments (photos + text) to a recorded tracklog |
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Events |
Find, create and edit routes |
Mobile friendly website management |
Open routes in MyRoute-app |
Map many alerts |
Automatically skip waypoints |
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Lane guidance on major roads |
Warning when speeding |
Speed camera warnings |
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Android Auto |
Create favorites and navigate directly to them |
Open routes from website and navigate directly |
Avoid highways, toll roads, ferries, tunnels and dirt roads |
Settings kilometers or miles |
Nearby Routes |
Open Routes in Garmin Drive |
Shaping and Via points (hard and soft waypoints) |
Colored waypoints |
Read notes in waypoints |